Parent Information
Parent Handbook
To view a copy of our policies and procedures, please click on the link below. Please note that all images in our handbook are stock photography and not images of KASP children.

Sunscreen at KASP
Sunscreen use is a must during warmer weather. Parents/guardians are responsible for applying sunscreen to their children here at KASP, during drop off, whether the sunscreen comes from KASP or from home. We will reapply as needed during the day. With parental permission given in the enrolment forms, children under six months must have a doctor’s note before we will use sunscreen on them. We will never share sunscreens except under direct instructions from the parents. We offer parents the option of using Rocky Mountain Sunscreen SPF 30 from May through September. It is PABA-free, waterproof, hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, non-greasy, moisturizing, and aloe-based. The list of ingredients is available in the office. If you choose this option in the enrollment paperwork you will not need to provide bottles of sunscreen throughout the sunny season. Samples are available in the office.
For more information regarding Rocky Mountain Sunscreen please visit their website at
Other Resources and Links
Children’s Creative Learning Centers
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
(The association through which we are accredited)
Boise School District Developmental Screening
Cathedral Of The Rockies
(First United Methodist Church in whose facility we are located in Boise, Idaho)
Wesleyan Preschool
(Our sister program, at our same location, offering preschool only ( they follow the Boise School District Schedule)
Natural Center for Learning Disabilities
American Academy of Pediatrics
Boise Schools Self Rescue Manual